jen laroche lmt
jen laroche lmt
table . mat . movement
booking a session
If you would like to book an appointment and you ARE an existing client, feel free to book online from here, or contact me and we will get you on the books!
New Clients:
I am taking new clients only on a referral basis. If you have been referred by an existing client of mine and would like to establish a relationship, please fill out the contact form below and we will go from there. I look forward to chatting with you!
If you make an appointment online and ARE NOT an existing client, your appointment will be canceled.
Existing Clients:
Gang we are up and running, back to normal! Masks are now optional, however if you have had a fever or felt ill in the last 72 hrs, please stay home.
We will continually adjust policies in accordance with current local health and safety guidelines.

by appointment only
north portland
portland, or
(address will be provided upon appointment confirmation)